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Origin and popularity of the name ZHAO


Zhao : Chinese:: 1: Mandarin form of the surname 趙 originally meaning ‘walk quickly’ in ancient Chinese: (i) from the placename Zhao (趙) (located in present-day Zhaocheng in Shanxi Province) the name of a fief granted by King Mu of Zhou (reigned 976–922 BC) to Zao Fu a famous charioteer during the Western Zhou dynasty (1046–771 BC). In 403 BC a descendant of Zao Fu Zhao Ji (趙籍) established the state of Zhao (趙). (ii) also borne as a surname by members of certain minority ethnic groups in ancient China. (iii) traced back to Zhao Liang (趙梁) an official during the reign of the King Xia Jie (the last king of the Xia dynasty (2070–1600 BC)).2: Mandarin form of the surname 招 meaning ‘beckon gesture’ or ‘attract (bad things)’ in Chinese: (i) from the personal name Zhao (招) style name of the brother of the Duke Ai of Chen (ruler of the state of Chen reigned 568–534 BC) who was exiled to the state of Yue (located in present-day Jiangsu and Zhejiang province) because he assassinated the crown prince Yan Shi son of the Duke Ai of Chen. (ii) from the second element of the personal name Bu Zhao (步招) personal name of a person who lived in the state of Jin during the Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BC).


Source : DAFN2 : Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, ©2022 by Patrick Hanks and Oxford University Press

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