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Origin and popularity of the name SUTER


Suter : 1: English German and Dutch: occupational name for a shoemaker or cobbler (one who sews leather and other materials) from Middle English suter souter sutter Middle High German sūter Middle Dutch sutter ‘shoemaker’ (from Latin sutor an agent derivative of suere ‘to sew’). Compare Sauter Souter Sooter Sutor and Sutter.2: English: status name from Anglo-Norman French and Middle English sutour suter sutter souter seuter ‘follower retainer’ ‘petitioner’ ‘suitor a tenant whose duty it is to attend a manorial court’. The name was pronounced either with /iu/ (hence variants such as Suiter) or with /u:/ leading to confusion with Souter Sutor and Sooter.


Source : DAFN2 : Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, ©2022 by Patrick Hanks and Oxford University Press

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