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Origin and popularity of the name SIMEON


Simeon : 1: French English Croatian and West Indian (mainly Haiti); Spanish (Simeón): from the French Middle English and Croatian personal name Simeon Spanish Simeón in origin the Biblical Hebrew name Shim‘on also rendered Simon. The name Simeon was chosen in honor of any of many Christian saints so named including Saint Simeon Stylites an ascetic 5th-century Syrian monk who lived for 40 years on top of a pillar. As a surname of Spanish origin it is most common in the Philippines.2: American shortened form of Greek patronymics from the personal name Simeon (see 1 above) such as Simeonidis or Simeonoglou.


Source : DAFN2 : Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, ©2022 by Patrick Hanks and Oxford University Press

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