Geneanet > Resources > Family Names > ROYDEN

Origin and popularity of the name ROYDEN


Royden : from Roydon (Essex) which is recorded as Ruindune in 1086 and Reindun in 1205 Roydon near Diss (Norfolk) which is recorded as Rygedune in about 1035 Roydon near King's Lynn (Norfolk) which is recorded as Reiduna in 1086 or Roydon Drift (Suffolk) which is recorded as Rigendun in about 995. The Essex and Suffolk place-names derive from Old English rȳgen ‘growing with rye’ + dūn ‘hill’. The Norfolk place-names derive from Old English rȳge ‘rye’ + dūn.

Source : FANBI : The Oxford Dictionary if Family Names in Britain and Ireland, ©2016, University of the West of England

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