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Origin and popularity of the name ROSSELL


Rossell : 1: English (of Norman origin): from the Anglo-Norman French personal name Ros(c)el a diminutive of Rosce (see Ross). Compare the double diminutive Roscelin with which Ro(s)cel or Ros(s)el was probably freely interchangeable.2: English (of Norman origin): habitational name from Rosel in Calvados.3: English: variant of Russell with which the name in 1 above was easily confused.4: English: habitational name from Rossall in Poulton Le Fylde (Lancashire). The etymology of the placename may derive from Old Norse hross ‘horse’ + hali ‘tail’ in the sense ‘narrow strip of land’ or from a British word related to Welsh rhos ‘moor heath plain’ + Old English halh ‘nook corner of land’. The land is low-lying and level forming a headland between the Wyre and the sea. The name was easily confused with Russell.5: English: perhaps a habitational name from Rossall (Shropshire) probably from Old English hros ‘horse’ + halh. It is not clear whether this surname has survived into modern times.6: Catalan: nickname for someone with red hair from a diminutive of ros ‘red’.7: Catalan: possibly also a habitational name from Rossell a town in Castelló de la Plana.8: Americanized form of German French Dutch and Flemish Rossel or of its German archaic variant Roszel.


Source : DAFN2 : Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, ©2022 by Patrick Hanks and Oxford University Press
FANBI : The Oxford Dictionary if Family Names in Britain and Ireland, ©2016, University of the West of England

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