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Origin and popularity of the name QUINTON


Quinton : 1: English: from the Old French and Middle English personal name Quentin Quintin (Latin Quintinus a suffixed form of quintus ‘fifth’) popular in France from the cult of Saint Quentin of Amiens and brought to England by the Normans. The surname was altered to Quinton by association with the placenames in 2 below.2: English: habitational name from from any of three places called Quinton (Gloucestershire Northamptonshire Worcestershire) or from Quainton (Buckinghamshire). The placenames probably derive from Old English cwēn ‘queen’ + tūn ‘farmstead estate’ or perhaps from Old English cwene ‘woman’ + tūn or an Old English personal name Cwēna + Old English connective -ing- + tūn.3: English (of Norman origin): habitational name from Saint-Quentin (Manche) in France or possibly from Saint-Quentin-en-Tourmont (Somme) the site of the martyrdom of Saint Quentin of Amiens a 3rd-century Roman missionary to Gaul. It is not certain that this surname survived into the modern period.4: French: from a pet form of the personal name Quintin (see also 1 above).

Source : DAFN2 : Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, ©2022 by Patrick Hanks and Oxford University Press

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