Geneanet > Resources > Family Names > MORAND

Origin and popularity of the name MORAND


Morand : 1: French Swiss French and English (of Norman origin): from the medieval Latin personal name Maurandus Morandus derived from Maurus ‘Mauritanian Moor’ + suffix -andus (following the pattern of names formed from a verbal noun such as Amandus) or shortened from Moderandus which appears to be Latin for ‘he who is (able) to be guided’. Compare Morant 2.2: French and Swiss French: habitational name from any of the places so called in Indre-et-Loire Allier Loire and Haute-Saône France. — Note: The population figure published by the US Census Bureau for this surname in the year 2000 is as high as 753 while the figure for 2010 is supposedly lower than 100.


Source : DAFN2 : Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, ©2022 by Patrick Hanks and Oxford University Press

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