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Last names linked to LE~


Le : 1: Chinese: Mandarin form of the surname 樂 meaning ‘happiness’ in Chinese: from the first element of the personal name Le Fu (樂父) style name of Yan son of the Duke Dai of Song (ruler of the state of Song reigned 799–766 BC). Yan's grandson Le Ju (樂莒) inherited Le (樂) as his surname.2: Chinese: Mandarin form of the surname 勒: (i) from the second element of the placename Shu-Le (疏勒) an ancient state (located in present-day Xinjiang Uyghur autonomous region) during the Western Han dynasty (206 BC–25 AD). (ii) a surname near the Bohai Sea region during the Han dynasty (206 BC–220 AD). (iii) a surname traced back to the Hun ethnic group in northern China during the Jin dynasty (265–420 AD).3: Chinese: variant of Li.4: Chinese: variant Romanization of the surname 呂 possibly based on its Teochew pronunciation see Lu 6.5: Vietnamese (Lê): from the Chinese surname 黎 also the royal surname of the Lê Dynasty (usually referring to the Later Lê Dynasty 1428–1788 AD) see Li 2.6: Vietnamese (Lệ): from the Chinese surnames 厲 and 酈 see Li 5 and 6.


Source : DAFN2 : Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, ©2022 by Patrick Hanks and Oxford University Press
FANBI : The Oxford Dictionary if Family Names in Britain and Ireland, ©2016, University of the West of England
FANBI : The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Family Names in Britain, ©2021, University of the West of England

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