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Origin and popularity of the name JOHNSTON


Johnston : 1: Scottish: habitational name deriving in most cases from the place so called in Annandale in Dumfriesshire. This is derived from the genitive case of the personal name John + + Middle English ton ‘town village settlement’ (Old English tūn). There are other places in Scotland so called including the city of Perth which used to be known as Saint John's Toun and some of these may also be sources of the surname.2: English: habitational name from Johnson Hall (Staffordshire) recorded as Johanneston c. 1233 and Joneston in 1314. The placename means ‘John's settlement’ from the genitive case of the Middle English personal name Johan Jon (see John) + Middle English ton ‘town village settlement’.

Source : DAFN2 : Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, ©2022 by Patrick Hanks and Oxford University Press

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