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Origin and popularity of the name HUNTLEY


Huntley : 1: English: habitational name from Huntley in Gloucestershire from Old English hunta ‘hunter huntsman’ (see Hunt) + lēah ‘woodland clearing’. Occasionally the name may arise from Huntley in Staffordshire of the same etymology but there is no medieval evidence that this gave rise to a surname.2: Scottish: habitational name from a lost place called Huntlie in Berwickshire (Borders) with the same etymology as in 1 above. Huntly in Aberdeenshire was named for a medieval Earl of Huntly who took his title from the Borders placename and is not the source of the surname.3: English: occasionally perhaps a habitational name from Huntley in Preston on Wye (Herefordshire) first recorded in 1290 as a surname (de) Huntelaw. The placename derives from Old English hunta ‘hunter huntsman’ + hlāw ‘mound hill’.

Source : DAFN2 : Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, ©2022 by Patrick Hanks and Oxford University Press

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