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Last names linked to GRELE


Greasley : 1: usually from Church and Castle Gresley (Derbys) from which an influential Norman family took its name. Greasley (Notts) may have given rise to another family name of lower social status but this is hard to verify. Both place-names derive from Old English lēah ‘open woodland’ with an uncertain first element possibly Old English grēosn ‘gravel’. Some of the following early bearers may alternatively belong under (2) particularly the Lancs examples. 2: either from Old French greslet ‘marked as by hail’ i.e. pitted or pock-marked or more likely perhaps from Old French greslet gresli grailet ‘thin slim’. In early forms the nickname has sometimes been confused with the place-name in (1). Compare Le Gresley in Jersey and Greslé Grêlé in France. See also Grail to which the 1272-86 and 1295 bearers may alternatively belong.

Source : FANBI : The Oxford Dictionary if Family Names in Britain and Ireland, ©2016, University of the West of England

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