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Last names linked to GARMANN


Garman : 1: Irish: from Mac Gormáin Ó Gormáin see Gorman. Compare Garmon 1.2: English (southeastern): from the Middle English personal name Gormund (Old English Gārmund).3: English: alternatively a topographic name from Middle English gor(e) gar(e) ‘triangular piece of land’ (from Old English gāra) + man ‘man’ denoting a dweller at such a place. Compare Gore.4: Americanized form of German Garmann or its very rare variant Gärmann: from an ancient Germanic personal name formed with Old High German gār gēr ‘spear lance’ + man ‘man’.5: Americanized form of German Germann a cognate of 4; compare German 3. Compare also Garmon 2.

Source : DAFN2 : Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, ©2022 by Patrick Hanks and Oxford University Press

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