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Origin and popularity of the name DURAN


Duran : 1: Spanish (Durán) Catalan and southern French: from a variant of the personal name Durand.2: Polish and Romanian: from a derivative of Dura.3: Slovak (Ďuran): from a pet form of the personal name Ďura ‘George’ (see Dura).4: Slovak (also Duraň) and Croatian: nickname from a derivative of Slovak duriť sa ‘to be angry’ and Croatian duriti se ‘to pout to sulk’ also ‘to be angry’.5: Czech: nickname derived from the root of dialect durný meaning ‘strong’ but also ‘wrongheaded soft in the head’.6: Bosniak: from a derivative of the old Bosniak Muslim personal name of Turkish origin Durak (see Durakovic compare Turkish name below). It is also found as a Croatian surname originating from the time of the Turkish occupation of the Balkans.7: Turkish: ornamental name or nickname from a derivative of durmak ‘to remain to endure’ or perhaps from regional duran ‘mountain path’.8: Croatian and Serbian (Đuran): from a pet form of the personal name Đurađ from Greek Geōrgios (see George).9: Irish: variant of Doran.

Source : DAFN2 : Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, ©2022 by Patrick Hanks and Oxford University Press

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