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Origin and popularity of the name DRUMMOND


Drummond : 1: Scottish: habitational name from any of various places notably the barony of Drummond which is probably identical with the parish of Drymen (Stirlingshire) named from Gaelic drumainn a derivative of druim ‘ridge’. It has been said that the principal family of this name are descended from a Hungarian nobleman Maurice who accompanied Edgar Atheling and his sister Margaret to Scotland in 1068 where she married King Malcolm III. However there is disagreement on whether or not this was the case.2: English: occasionally perhaps from an unrecorded Middle English personal name Dromund (Old Norse Drómundr apparently from a word denoting a kind of Byzantine galley prevalent till the 12th cent. from Greek dromōn ‘runner’).

Source : DAFN2 : Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, ©2022 by Patrick Hanks and Oxford University Press

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