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Last names linked to CLE


Qing : Chinese:: 1: Mandarin form of the surname 慶 meaning ‘celebrate’ in Chinese: (i) from Qing Ke (慶克) style name of a grandson of the Duke Huan of Qi (ruler of the state of Qi died 643 BC) (ii) said to be traced back to Qing Fu (慶輔) an official during the reign of the king Cheng Tang founder of the Shang dynasty (1600–1046 BC). (iii) from the first element of Qing-Fu (慶父) style name of a son of the Duke Huan of Lu (the 15th ruler of the state of Lu died 694 BC).2: Mandarin form of the surname 卿 meaning ‘gentleman minister’ in ancient China: borne by the descendants of gentleman ministers (named Qing (卿)) during the Zhou dynasty (1046–256 BC).3: Mandarin form of the surname 青 meaning ‘green’ in Chinese: (i) said to be traced back to Qing Yang (青陽) clan name of one son of the legendary emperor Huang Di the ‘Yellow Emperor’ (c. 27th century BC). (ii) from the first element of the placename Qin Qiu (青丘) the name of a fief (located in present-day Shandong province) granted to an official in the state of Qi during the Spring and Autumn Period (770–476 BC). (iii) shortened form of the compound Chinese surname Qing Wu (青烏) adopted by the descendants of Qing Wu Zi (青烏子) said to be a mathematician during the Han dynasty (206 BC–220 AD). (iv) a surname from the Tangut and Di ethnic groups in ancient northwestern China.4: Mandarin form of the surname 清 meaning 'clear' in Chinese: (i) from Qing (清) the name of a fief (located in Shanxi province) granted to an official in the state of Jin during the Spring and Autumn Period (770–476 BC).(ii) from Qing (清) the name of an ancient state (possibly located in Shandong province).

Source : DAFN2 : Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, ©2022 by Patrick Hanks and Oxford University Press

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