Geneanet > Library Catalog > A statement of facts, submitted to the Right Hon. Lord Glenelg, His Majesty's principal secretary of state for the colonies, preparatory to an appeal about to be made by the author, to the Commons of Great Britain, seeking redress for grievances of a most serious tendency, committed upon him, under the administration of His Excellency, the Marquis of Sligo, the late governor, and Sir Joshua Rowe, the present lord chief justice of the island of Jamaica, with an exposure of the present system of Jamaica apprenticeship

A statement of facts, submitted to the Right Hon. Lord Glenelg, His Majesty's principal secretary of state for the colonies, preparatory to an appeal about to be made by the author, to the Commons of Great Britain, seeking redress for grievances of a most serious tendency, committed upon him, under the administration of His Excellency, the Marquis of Sligo, the late governor, and Sir Joshua Rowe, the present lord chief justice of the island of Jamaica, with an exposure of the present system of Jamaica apprenticeship

A statement of facts, submitted to the Right Hon. Lord Glenelg, His Majesty's principal secretary of state for the colonies, preparatory to an appeal about to be made by the author, to the Commons of Great Britain, seeking redress for grievances of a most serious tendency, committed upon him, under the administration of His Excellency, the Marquis of Sligo, the late governor, and Sir Joshua Rowe, the present lord chief justice of the island of Jamaica, with an exposure of the present system of Jamaica apprenticeship
  • Title: A statement of facts, submitted to the Right Hon. Lord Glenelg, His Majesty's principal secretary of state for the colonies, preparatory to an appeal about to be made by the author, to the Commons of Great Britain, seeking redress for grievances of a most serious tendency, committed upon him, under the administration of His Excellency, the Marquis of Sligo, the late governor, and Sir Joshua Rowe, the present lord chief justice of the island of Jamaica, with an exposure of the present system of Jamaica apprenticeship
  • Author: Sterne, Henry, 1801-
  • Number of pages: 318 pages
  • Language: English
  • Topics: Geography, Ireland, Connaught, Sligo

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