Geneanet > Library Catalog > Facts and statements concerning the right of the Crown of Portugal to the territories of Molembo, Cabinda, Ambriz, and other places on the west coast of Africa, situated between the fifth degree twelve minutes, and the eighth degree of south latitude

Facts and statements concerning the right of the Crown of Portugal to the territories of Molembo, Cabinda, Ambriz, and other places on the west coast of Africa, situated between the fifth degree twelve minutes, and the eighth degree of south latitude

Facts and statements concerning the right of the Crown of Portugal to the territories of Molembo, Cabinda, Ambriz, and other places on the west coast of Africa, situated between the fifth degree twelve minutes, and the eighth degree of south latitude
  • Title: Facts and statements concerning the right of the Crown of Portugal to the territories of Molembo, Cabinda, Ambriz, and other places on the west coast of Africa, situated between the fifth degree twelve minutes, and the eighth degree of south latitude
  • Author: Sá da Bandeira, Bernardo de Sá Nogueira de Figueiredo, marquês de, 1795-1876
  • Number of pages: 84 pages
  • Language: English
  • Topics: Geography, Portugal

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