Geneanet > Library Catalog > A letter from Major William Bradford to the Reverend John Cotton, written at Mount Hope on July 21, 1675, and containing an account of the operations leading up to an unsuccessful attempt to capture Metacom, alias King Philip, the Wampanoag chieftain

A letter from Major William Bradford to the Reverend John Cotton, written at Mount Hope on July 21, 1675, and containing an account of the operations leading up to an unsuccessful attempt to capture Metacom, alias King Philip, the Wampanoag chieftain

A letter from Major William Bradford to the Reverend John Cotton, written at Mount Hope on July 21, 1675, and containing an account of the operations leading up to an unsuccessful attempt to capture Metacom, alias King Philip, the Wampanoag chieftain
  • Title: A letter from Major William Bradford to the Reverend John Cotton, written at Mount Hope on July 21, 1675, and containing an account of the operations leading up to an unsuccessful attempt to capture Metacom, alias King Philip, the Wampanoag chieftain
  • Author: Bradford, William, 1624-1704
  • Number of pages: 34 pages
  • Language: English
  • Topics: Geography, Unknown country

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