Geneanet > Library Catalog > Caucuses of 1860. A history of the national political conventions of the current presidential campaign: being a complete record of the business of all the conventions, with sketches of distinguished men in attendance upon them, and descriptions of the most characteristic scenes and memorable events

Caucuses of 1860. A history of the national political conventions of the current presidential campaign: being a complete record of the business of all the conventions, with sketches of distinguished men in attendance upon them, and descriptions of the most characteristic scenes and memorable events

Caucuses of 1860. A history of the national political conventions of the current presidential campaign: being a complete record of the business of all the conventions, with sketches of distinguished men in attendance upon them, and descriptions of the most characteristic scenes and memorable events
  • Title: Caucuses of 1860. A history of the national political conventions of the current presidential campaign: being a complete record of the business of all the conventions, with sketches of distinguished men in attendance upon them, and descriptions of the most characteristic scenes and memorable events
  • Author: Halstead, Murat, 1829-1908
  • Number of pages: 252 pages
  • Language: English
  • Topics: Geography, Unknown country

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