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Michael Moore’s Ancestor Was a Scottish Slave Killed by American Indians

Posted by Jean-Yves on Mar 7, 2019

Flint filmmaker Michael Moore has discovered his ancestral roots — and they trace all the way back to an eighth great grandfather, brought to Boston as a slave in 1651 and later killed by American Indians.

Moore appeared on this week’s episode of “Finding Your Roots,” the PBS series that explores the family histories of celebrated guests by using DNA analysis and genealogical detective work.

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Anonymous user

A 19th century Colonial Revival confusion. Moore’s ancestor was NOT a slave. He was a Scottish prisoner of war captured at the battle of Worcester on Sept. 3, 1651 and transported with 261 others to the New England Colonies to work off involuntary but temporary indentures for their labor. The indentures (contracts for their labor) only lasted 6-8 years, after which the men were free and could and did pursue the creation of their own lives. That in no way compares to the plight of real chattel slaves–Native American and African–who were literally living property, had no legal rights, and whose children were likewise property to be used or sold. It is a common confusion caused by florid 19th century historical writings, but it is utterly false.

Moore should receive reparations from those evil Native American tribes!! Lol

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