Popularity of the last name by country


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Origine of last name

THORE : 1: English (Staffordshire and Middlesex): chiefly from the Middle English male personal name T(h)or(e) Thure representing Old Norse Thórir or Thóri or Anglo-Scandinavian Thórr all short forms of Old Norse personal names containing the first element Thór- Thúr- ‘Thor’ the name of the god of thunder in Scandinavian mythology. Occasionally perhaps also from the corresponding Middle English female personal name Thore (Old Norse Thóra). This surname is very rare in Britain and Ireland.2: Swedish: variant of <a href="https://en.geneanet.org/surnames/Thor">Thor</a>.3: French (Thoré): nickname for a strong or violent individual derived from Old French tor ‘bull’.

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