Last name: SON

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All you have to know about the last name SON

Last name frequency

SON : This last name is indexed 475,993 times on Geneanet!

Origin of last name

SON : 1: Korean: written 손 in Chinese characters 孫 meaning ‘grandson’. This is the only Chinese character for the surname Son. Some sources mention as many as 118 clans for the Son family but only seven can be documented. According to legend the Son clan's founding ancestor was named Kuryema (俱 禮馬) and was one of the six pre-Shilla elders who made Pak Hyŏkkŏse (朴 赫居世) the first king of Shilla (孫 順). The first documented ancestor however was called Son Sun (孫 順). Sun is said to have lived a poverty-stricken existence in the Shilla period and his rise from poverty to prosperity is the subject of legends. His son was a voracious eater and ate Sun's old mother's food as well as his own. Sun feeling that he could always get another son but that his mother was irreplaceable decided to go into the mountains to bury his son. When he dug into the ground however he found a bell. He hung the bell on a nearby tree and rang it. So loud and clear was the cry of the bell that the king heard it in the palace below and came to investigate. The king was amazed at the bell and gave Sun a house and food. Later a Buddhist temple was built on that spot. The founding ancestor of the Iljik (or Andong) Son clan originally bore the surname Sun but during the reign of Koryŏ king Hyŏnjong (1009–31) Sun was changed to Son. Compare Shon 1 Sohn 2 and Sun 7.2: Chinese: variant Romanization of the surname 宋 see Song 3.3: Vietnamese (Sơn): from the Chinese surname 山 see Shan 2.4: English: from Middle English sone (Old English sunu) ‘son’ hence a distinguishing epithet for a son who shared the same personal name as his father. Compare Fitz.5: English: from the early Middle English personal name Sunne representing either an Old English personal name Sunna or the Old Norse personal name Súni (derived from the word for ‘son’) or the Old Norse female name Sunna perhaps a pet form of Sunnifa itself a Scandinavianized form of Old English Sunngifu.6: German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): variant of Sohn or Sonn.7: Dutch (also Van Son): habitational name for someone from Son near Eindhoven.

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