Popularity of the last name by country


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Origine of last name

ROY : 1: Scottish: nickname for a person with red hair or a ruddy complexion from Gaelic ruadh ‘red’. Compare <a href="https://en.geneanet.org/surnames/Reed">Reed</a>.2: English (of Norman origin): from Old French roi ‘king’ used as a nickname (see 3 below) and also as a personal name. Compare <a href="https://en.geneanet.org/surnames/Ray">Ray</a> 2.3: French and Walloon: from Old French rey roy ‘king’ (from Latin rex) a nickname for someone who lived in a regal fashion or who had earned the title in some contest of skill or by presiding over festivities. This may also be a habitational name from (Le) Roy the name of several places in various parts of France and in Belgium (Wallonia). Compare <a href="https://en.geneanet.org/surnames/Deroy">Deroy</a> and <a href="https://en.geneanet.org/surnames/Leroy">Leroy</a>.4: Germanized or Americanized form of Polish Sorbian Czech and Slovenian Roj or Polish and Sorbian Rój: probably a nickname for an irascible quick-tempered man or perhaps a metonymic occupational name for a beekeeper from Lower Sorbian Czech and Slovenian roj Polish and Upper Sorbian rój ‘swarm (of bees)’.5: Indian (Bengal) and Bangladeshi: variant of <a href="https://en.geneanet.org/surnames/Rai">Rai</a>.

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