Popularity of the last name by country


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Origine of last name

PRICE : 1: Welsh: Anglicized form of Welsh ap Rhys ‘son of Rhys’ (see <a href="https://en.geneanet.org/surnames/Reece">Reece</a>). This is one of the commonest of Welsh surnames. It has also been established in Ireland since the 14th century.2: English: nickname from Middle English Old French pris ‘excellent noble highly valued (person)’.3: Americanized form of Jewish <a href="https://en.geneanet.org/surnames/Preuss">Preuss</a> or <a href="https://en.geneanet.org/surnames/Preis">Preis</a>.4: In some cases also an American shortened and altered form of Ukrainian Prishchipenko: from a nickname based on pryshchepa ‘grafted stalk’ with the diminutive suffix -enko having in this case a patronymic function.

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