Popularity of the last name by country


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Origine of last name

PIERRE : French Walloon West Indian (mainly Haiti) and Mauritian:: 1: from the personal name Pierre French form of <a href="https://en.geneanet.org/surnames/Peter">Peter</a> (see also below). This is one of the most frequent surnames in Haiti (along with <a href="https://en.geneanet.org/surnames/Jean">Jean</a> and <a href="https://en.geneanet.org/surnames/Joseph">Joseph</a>) and in Saint Martin. It is also established elsewhere in the West Indies (e.g. in Trinidad and Tobago Saint Lucia Grenada and Bahamas).2: from Old French pierre ‘stone rock’ (from Latin petra a word which is also the origin of the personal name Pierre; see <a href="https://en.geneanet.org/surnames/Peter">Peter</a>). It may be a topographic name denoting someone who lived on a patch of stony soil or by a large outcrop of rock or a metonymic occupational name for a quarryman or stonemason. Compare <a href="https://en.geneanet.org/surnames/Lapierre">Lapierre</a>.

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