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Origine of last name

JIA : Chinese:: 1: Mandarin form of the surname 賈 meaning ‘price’ or ‘merchants’ in ancient Chinese: (i) from Jia (賈) the name of a state (located in Linpan in Shanxi province) granted by King Kang of Zhou to Gong Ming a grandson of King Wu of Zhou (c. 1087–1043 BC). After the state was annexed by the state of Jin the name of the state was adopted as a surname. (ii) from the placename Jia (賈) the name of a fief (located in Linpan in Shanxi province) granted to She also called Jia Ji (賈季) or Jia Tuo (賈佗) son of a noble called Hu Yan in the state of Jin during the Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BC).2: Mandarin form of the surname 郟: (i) from the placename Jia (郟) (located in W Luoyang in Henan province) the capital of the state during the reign of King Cheng of Zhou (reigned 1042–1021 BC). (ii) from the placename Jia (郟) the name of a fief (located in Henan province) granted to an official in the state of Zheng during the Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BC).3: Mandarin form of the surname 甲 meaning ‘first’ in Chinese: (i) said to be traced back to Tai Jia (太甲 or written as Da Jia (大甲) fourth king of the Shang dynasty (1600–1046 BC). (ii) from Jia (甲) the name of a small ancient state (located in Hebei province) during the Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BC). (iii) from the first element of the personal name Jia Fu (甲父) style name of an official in the state of Zheng during the Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BC). (iv) said to be borne by the descendants of the royal families in the state of Chu and Jin during the Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BC).4: Mandarin form of the surname 家 meaning ‘family home’ in Chinese: (i) from the first element of the personal name Jia Fu (家父) or Jia Bo (家伯) style name of officials during the Western Zhou dynasty (1046–771 BC). (ii) from the first element of the personal name Jia Ju (家駒) style name of a prince in the state of Lu during the Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BC). (iii) shortened form of the compound surname Jia-Pu (家僕).5: Mandarin form of the surname 加 meaning ‘plus’ in Chinese.6: variant Romanization of the surname 車 see <a href="https://en.geneanet.org/surnames/Che">Che</a> 1.

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