
Discussions regarding the origin and the meanings of names.
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Post by juliette1804 »

Cerco notizie sui Vittorini originari di Preturo in Abruzzo emigrati negli Stati Uniti... il mio trisnonno si chiamava Carmine Vittorini e dovrebbe essere nato intorno al 1850... vorrei scoprire se aveva dei fratelli e se tra questi qualcuno ha lasciato l'Italia tra fine '800 e inizio '900...

I am looking for the Vittorini from Preturo Abruzzo immigrated to the United States ... My great-great grandfather's name was Carmine Vittorini and should have been born around 1850 ... I would like to find out if he had any brothers and if someone among them has left Italy in late '800 and early '900...

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