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DNA Help needed

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Re: DNA Help needed

Post by robjaco »

You are extremely likely to be closer than a first cousin. The favorite site to go to for determining statistically likely relationships for a DNA match is If you plug 1803 into the page (the cM input box at top), you'll see a very good match for grandparent or grandchild, aunt/uncle or nephew/niece, or half sibling. There is a very small chance of them being a full sibling, but you're on the very low end of the range for that. 1803 is smack in the middle for the other choices.

If you have any idea of their age, then whether they are a generation or 2 ahead or behind or the same as you should narrow the possibilities down further.

It looks like you are in for a shock, as many others have found, and I hope it proves to be a good thing for you. Be very careful when first communicating with this person, or your own relatives that might be involved, as some people really don't like such discoveries, may uncover long hidden secrets.
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Re: DNA Help needed

Post by jyb »

Did you find it through Geneanet?
Best wishes,

Jean-Yves BAXTER

Please read our help pages and tips to improve your genealogy research and to grow your family tree:

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