Last name: SOMMER

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All you have to know about the last name SOMMER

Last name frequency

SOMMER : This last name is indexed 293,773 times on Geneanet!

Origin of last name

SOMMER : 1: German Danish and Norwegian: from Middle German sumer Danish Norwegian sommer ‘summer’ a nickname for someone with a warm or sunny disposition or for someone associated with the season of summer in some other way e.g. because he was born or found (as a foundling) in this part of the year or through a tax or rent obligation or from living in a sunny place.2: German: occupational name from Middle High German soumǣre sommer Middle Low German somer(e) ‘pack animal’ or a leader of those.3: German: in some instances also a variant of Summer a metonymic occupational name for a basketweaver or a drummer.4: English and Scottish: variant of Summer.5: Jewish (Ashkenazic): from German Sommer ‘summer’ either an artificial name or one of the group of names referring to the seasons that were distributed at random by government officials when surnames became compulsory.

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