Last name: RINGER

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All you have to know about the last name RINGER

Last name frequency

RINGER : This last name is indexed 33,783 times on Geneanet!

Origin of last name

RINGER : 1: English: occupational name for a maker of rings and other items of jewelry from Middle English ringer(e) a derivative of the noun ring. An alternative possibility is that some ringers were makers of chain mail. Compare Ring.2: English: occupational name for someone whose function was to ring church bells or a bell in a procession Middle English ringer(e) agent noun derived from ringen ‘to ring’.3: English: from the Middle English personal name Rainger Reinger (Old French Reinger from ancient Germanic Reginger from ragin regin ‘counsel decision’ + gēr ‘spear’).4: English: possibly an occupational name from a derivative of Middle English wringen ‘to wring or squeeze’ perhaps used for a wringer or presser of cheese.5: English: possibly from the Middle English personal name Ringer (Old English Hringhere ‘ring’ + ‘army’).6: German: occupational name for a turner someone who made objects by rotating them on a lathe or wheel.

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