Last name: PASCHAL

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All you have to know about the last name PASCHAL

Last name frequency

PASCHAL : This last name is indexed 45,066 times on Geneanet!

Origin of last name

PASCHAL : 1: English: from the Middle English personal name Pascal derived from Old French Pasquale and ultimately from Latin Paschalis ‘pertaining to Easter’ (from pascha ‘Easter’ via Greek and Aramaic from Hebrew pesah ‘Passover’). This was popular as a personal name throughout Christian Europe in the Middle Ages mainly in honor of the festival of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection often signifying someone born at Easter but also in honor of a 9th-century pope and saint who bore the name.2: French: variant of Pascal (a cognate of 1) and in North America (also) an altered form of this.3: American shortened form of Greek Paschalis which is of the same ultimate origin as 1 above or of its patronymics and other derivatives e.g. Paschalakis Paschalides Paschalidis and Paschaloudis. Compare Pascal.4: Americanized form of Italian Pasquale also of the same ultimate origin as 1 above.

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