Last name: MALE

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All you have to know about the last name MALE

Last name frequency

MALE : This last name is indexed 106,707 times on Geneanet!

Origin of last name

MALE : 1: Welsh: from the personal name Mael (literally ‘prince’).2: English (of Norman origin): nickname from Old French mail ‘mallet club mace’ or Middle English (Old French) maille ‘ring (of chain mail) armour’ or Old French maille ‘speckle stain’ or Middle English maille (Old French maaille) ‘coin worth half a penny’ or from a shortened form of Anglo-Norman French amel Old French esma(i)l ‘enamel’ (compare Mailer). Any of these terms might have been used to characterize an individual's behaviour occupation or appearance.3: English: nickname Middle English (Old French) male ‘bag pouch’ also ‘stomach belly’ perhaps given to someone who wore a distinctive pouch or bag or who made such bags (compare the Middle English occupational term malemakere) or to someone with a prominent belly.4: English (of Norman origin): variant of Madle a nickname from Old French Middle English masle madle (also Middle English male) ‘man adult’ or adjectivally ‘male masculine’.5: English: in Lancashire perhaps a variant of Meale either a nickname from Middle English mele ‘meal ground cereal’ perhaps for a maker or seller of meal (compare Millman) or a topographic name from Middle English mele ‘sand-hill’ (Old Norse melr) as found in such placenames as North Meols (Lancashire) Ravensmeols in Formby (Lancashire) and Great Meols (Cheshire) (compare Meil).6: Slovenian: nickname for a physically small man from a derivative of mal ‘small little’ (see Mal 1). Compare Mahle.7: Dutch (Van der Male and Van Male): habitational name from any of a number of places in Flanders named Male.8: Norwegian: habitational name from the farm name Male in Romsdal derived from Old Norse mǫl ‘bank layer of pebbles along a beach’.9: Americanized form of Norwegian Mæle or of its variant Mæhle (see Mahle). Compare Mele.

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