Last name: FRANK

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All you have to know about the last name FRANK

Last name frequency

FRANK : This last name is indexed 547,558 times on Geneanet!

Origin of last name

FRANK : 1: German Dutch Scandinavian Slovenian Croatian Czech Slovak Polish Hungarian and Jewish (Ashkenazic): ethnic or habitational name for someone from Franconia (German Franken) a region of southwestern Germany so called from its early settlement by the Franks an ancient Germanic people who inhabited the lands around the River Rhine in Roman times. In the 6th–9th centuries under leaders such as Clovis I (c. 466–511) and Charlemagne (742–814) the Franks established a substantial empire in western Europe from which the country of France takes its name.2: English (of Norman origin) Dutch and German: from the personal name Frank (Norman French Franco ancient Germanic Franko) in origin an ethnic name for a Frank or from German Franke ‘Frank(ish) Franconian’ (compare 1 above). This also came to be used as an adjective meaning ‘free open-hearted generous’ (Middle English and Old French franc ‘free’ i.e. not a serf or slave) deriving from the fact that in Frankish Gaul only people of Frankish race enjoyed the status of fully free men. As a surname of German origin it is also found (in both possible meanings; see 1 above) in France (Alsace and Lorraine). Compare Franc and Franck.

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