Last name: ELLISON

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All you have to know about the last name ELLISON

Last name frequency

ELLISON : This last name is indexed 126,312 times on Geneanet!

Origin of last name

ELLISON : 1: English: from the Middle English personal name Ellis (Old Testament Elijah) + -son. In the US this surname (in any of the three possible senses; see also 2 and 3 below) is also established among African Americans.2: English: from the Middle English Old French female personal name Elissent Elisant ancient Germanic Elisind.3: Scottish: sometimes a post-medieval variant of Allison which is mainly concentrated in northern England and southwestern Scotland. There is a similar Scottish variation between Alison and Elison as female personal names.4: Americanized form of some original Jewish (Ashkenazic) surname (most likely based on Yiddish form of the Biblical personal name Elijah).

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