Last name: BLAIN

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All you have to know about the last name BLAIN

Last name frequency

BLAIN : This last name is indexed 239,764 times on Geneanet!

Origin of last name

BLAIN : 1: Scottish: shortened form of MacBlain a shortened form of Mac Gille Blathain ‘son of Gille Blááin’ a personal name meaning ‘servant of Saint Bláán’. Bláán after whom Dunblane in Perthshire was named appears in placenames in both Ireland and Scotland.2: English: from Middle English bleyne ‘inflamed swelling on the surface of the body’ possibly a nickname for a person suffering from boils or some form of inflamation of the skin.3: English: habitational name from Blean in Kent named with Old English blēa (blēan oblique case) ‘course rough ground’.4: Altered form of French Abelin: from the personal name Abelin a pet form of Abel. The surname Abelin is rare in France found mainly in Charente-Maritime.5: French: altered form of Blin a shortened form of Belin and hence in part a cognate of 4 above.6: French: habitational name from Blain a place in Loire-Atlantique of Gaulish origin derived from the personal name Belenius or Blannius. This surname (in any of the three possible French senses; see also above) is also found in Haiti where it is however at least in part of English origin (see 2 and 3 above).

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