Last name: BAIN

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All you have to know about the last name BAIN

Last name frequency

BAIN : This last name is indexed 194,646 times on Geneanet!

Origin of last name

BAIN : 1: Scottish Manx and Irish: nickname for a fair-haired man from Gaelic bàn Irish bán ‘white fair’. This surname is common in the Highlands first recorded in Perth in 1324. It is also found as a shortened form of McBain from Mac B(h)eathain. As a Manx name (spelled Bane) this may be a shortened form of Manx Macguilley Vane equivalent to Irish Mac Giolla Bháin ‘son of the fair youth’. Compare Irish Kilbane.2: English (northern) and Scottish: nickname for a hospitable person from northern Middle English beyn bayn ‘welcoming friendly’ (Old Norse beinn ‘straight direct’).3: English (northern) and Scottish: nickname from northern Middle English bān bain ‘bone leg’ (Old English bān Old Norse bein) perhaps denoting someone with a gammy leg. In northern Middle English -ā- was preserved whereas in southern dialects (which later became standard) it was changed to -ō-.4: French: habitational name from (Le) Bain the name of several places in various parts of France e.g. in Ille-et-Vilaine named with Old French baine ‘bath’.

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